Misc Clips


Film Clips  ●  Misc. Clips

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"Boot Camp Solo"
This was 1986 when I was 17 during a drill team performance in U.S. Navy boot camp.  I did a solo because I had done the same thing in High School and was pretty good at spinning rifles.
Perhaps that's why I never dated...I was a dork!  What am I saying...I'm still a dork!  The quality isn't very good and the file is big, so I just captured the end of the performance from a VHS.

"Backriver Dance"
This is from a sketch called "Michael Flubbly, Lord of the Backriver Dance."  It was part of a Christmas Show by The Comedy Pigs in Frederick, MD.

It's a parody of "Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance."  I was his long lost cousin and my dancing skills weren't quite as good as his.


Michael Flubbly: Lord of the Backriver Dance

The Girlfriend Song

"Comedy Pig Sketches"
These are a few clips from the 14th Anniversary Show by The Comedy Pigs in Frederick, MD.  Scroll to the bottom to see more clips from the show.


"The Glass Menagerie"
This is a clip from the play "The Glass Menagerie" that I performed while in Chicago.  It's the scene where Tom comes home drunk.  I love this scene and loved performing it.


"First Monologue"
This is from my very first acting class in the Fall of 1995.  It was a monologue class and I was playing Vince from "Buried Child."

"Second City Sketch"
This is a clip from my Second City level 5 show.  It was a sketch that Adam wrote about a stinky crazy guy who comes onto the subway train.  He wanted me to be the stinky crazy guy...not sure why.

The sound isn't too great.  At the end Lisa says the out line "Excuse me."


"Plain and Simple Test"
This was from a test shoot for the film "Plain and Simple."  It was just me, a blue screen, and someone moving a blue piece of cardboard up and down.

Below are videos from:

The Comedy Pigs 14th Anniversary
July 14, 2007 - Frederick, Maryland

Note: All below files are .wmv (Windows Media Video) format.
You have 2 choices:
1 - view/download Act 1 (598MB) and/or Act 2 (805MB)
2 - view/download each sketch separately (various sizes)

1 - view/download Act 1 and/or Act 2
© Copyright 2007 The Comedy Pigs.

Act 1
(* Warning * - This is a BIG file - 598 MB)

Act 2
(* Warning * - This is a BIG file - 805 MB)

2 - view/download each sketch separately
Act 1

© Copyright 2007 The Comedy Pigs.

The Spice Boys
(61.8 MB)

Cheerleaders 1
(19.4 MB)

Renaissance Toilet
(20.0 MB)

(19.9 MB)

Cheerleaders 2
(20.4 MB)

(66.3 MB)

(21.2 MB)

Cheerleaders 3
(17.3 MB)

(23.9 MB)

Erogenous Zoning Commission
(63.2 MB)

(140 MB)

Imperial World
(48.8 MB)

Invisible Man 1
(14.5 MB)

Kaiser Permanente
(90.8 MB)

Michael Flubbly: Lord of the Backriver Dance
(42.0 MB)

Act 2

© Copyright 2007 The Comedy Pigs.

(34.5 MB)

i-mood 1
(25.6 MB)

Hating the Smiths
(117 MB)

People in Your Neighborhood
(87.4 MB)

Invisible Man 2
(19.6 MB)

(58.8 MB)

i-mood 2
(25.9 MB)

Honest Debate
(166 MB)

(34.9 MB)

i-mood 3
(17.4 MB)

The Girlfriend Song
(84.2 MB)

Invisible Man 3
(19.9 MB)

(55.8 MB)

(53.5 MB)

The Comedy Pig Song & Cast Introductions
(76.2 MB)
