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A Typical Day

Good Times
02/04/06 - 02/05/06

First Full Moon



Monthly Orientation

2,000 Words

Seoul Trip

A Typical Day
February 01, 2006

Today I decided to document a typical work day for me.  I hope you enjoy it!


I normally sleep naked, but I didn't want you to puke!

Today I actually got up a little earlier than normal because my boss from Los Angeles called.  Each day I normally do lots of emails and calls, so I spend most of my time in front of the computer or on the phone.  I then usually scrounge for food in the house or order from the only delivery place that I've found that speaks a little English.  I call and say "Set A" and my address and they show up about 10 minutes later with a small combination pizza and fried chicken!  It's food that helps me keep my girlish figure.


The taxi I took today.

I normally take a taxi (also known as a death trap) to work because I'm too lazy to walk to the subway.  On the way to work, there are more uphill climbs on the streets and more stairs to walk up.  On the way back from work to home, those same climbs are now downhill and the stairs I can walk down.  It's complete laziness, but again, it's another thing that helps me keep my girlish figure.  It's not easy looking this good!


On the phone in my office begging more students to come to class.

I get to the office before my class begins and do some paperwork, filing, phone calls, etc.  I then head downstairs to the computer lab with a pit stop in the bathroom and I'm good to go!


The alley I take to the subway stop. I was trying to do a James Dean didn't work.

After class I take the subway back home.  Most of the streets and stairs are downhill, so it's easier to continue to be lazy.  Sometimes I stop a restaurant before the subway.  I can't read too much Korean, but I have figured out how to read one particular way pork is prepared.  It's called "gal-bi" and I recognized it and had some for dinner last night.  It was pretty yummy.


A view outside the subway on the way home.

Once I arrive at my neighborhood subway stop, I walk home.  It's about a 5-7 minute walk.  There are little food stands on the way and I love stopping at this one "hut-doh" stand.  It's small pancakes with peanuts and cinnamon.  The dang place was closed tonight though.  They are's like crack cocaine.  I think Korea should export "hut-doh" to all the crack heads in America.  Korea would be a super power overnight!

So, there you have it.  A typical day for me.  I woke up at about 9:00am and it's about 12:30am now.  Quite the long day here in sunny...err...chilly Korea.  But I'm having a blast!

What I learned today about Korea:  1)  I might be addicted to pizza, fried chicken, and "hut-doh."