Kimchi Day!
September 13, 2006
Today was kimchi day for the Hwang family.
Jin hand made the kimchi. It takes most of the day to prepare
and then a few days later it's ready to eat. It's fermented,
so I think it actually tastes better the longer you wait.
Kimchi is a Korean traditional food that is served at almost every
meal. It could be simply described as spicy pickled cabbage.
It might not sound too appetizing, but it's quite good. There
are also many varieties of kimchi that include a combination of
spices and other vegetables.
I've found that most of the kimchi dishes I try, I
like very much. There's one in particular that I dislike.
It's a cold kimchi dish that looks like it would be sweet. It
looks like pink ice sweet water that you drink. It
tastes like sour cold spicy kimchi and it makes both my ears do
opposing back flips
while my tongue splits in two and rapidly travels up my nasal cavity and out
both my nose
holes....which means...not so good for me!
What I learned
today about Korea: 1)
The Korean cabbages
are very different looking from the American ones. To me, they
look like a cross between long lettuce and cabbage.